Monday, November 14, 2011

Tell Them

I have been tremendously challenged and blessed to have been apart of celebrating my father-in-law's 60'th birthday party. While the pessimist wants to think life is so short and much shorter now than ever, the optimist see the glass half full and what a tremendous wealth of knowledge this man has because he has had 60 years learning how to walk with God.

My husband's family had the gift of sitting and sharing with my father-in-law how much they loved and respected him. For me that was a beautiful blessed experience to be drawn into. I sat and marveled that although my father-in-law has made mistakes along the way, he has raised children who love the Lord and love and respect their dad for all that he has taught them. It brought me to tears.

My mother-in-law gave each one of us children 4 questions to answer and present when we celebrated his birthday. With these questions I want to challenge you to seek out either your birth parents or your spiritual parents who have nurtured you in life and the Word of Life and tell them. Tell them while they are still alive so you can share in the blessing of loving and being loved. It may be a huge encouragement to those in your life who have no idea how much they have impacted and challenged your life.

The 4 questions:
- I have known you for...
- I respect you for... (verbalizing the word respect in a man's life is HUGE! Trust me on this one.)
- You have taught me...
- I will remember you for...

Now I will share with you how my dear to my heart father-in-law has captured my love and respect.

I have known Rob for 6 years.

I respect Rob for
- Raising a son who loves God
- Loving my children and being someone I can trust them with.
- Showing me what a Godly man is supposed to look like.
- Being real/transparent and willing to be vulnerable enough to talk through tough subjects.
- Being a man my husband enjoys having bible studies with and walking side by side spiritually.
- Treating me like one of his children and loving me.

Rob has taught me
- Trust
- I can be proud of myself
- I am worth loving
- To laugh

I will remember him for
- To be an Adams you must be willing to act crazy and be willing to laugh at yourself.
- If you are with the Adam's you are in good hands. You never mess with an Adams because they play to win and fight to the death.
- Most of all I will remember the wisdom I've learned from him sharing years of wisdom with Chris and I over good wine and great food. Those are my fondest moments. Lessons learned over dinner. God truly knew what He was doing when my path crossed with the Adams.

Their family is really special and I am proud and honored to be apart of something so grand. God is the cornerstone and Rob is the leader of this family. And I am blessed.

1 comment:

  1. What an honor! You have experienced GOd in this family. You are adopted by them and I snese how sheltered and safe you feel in their love and community. I already love the Adams family for how they have loved you.
