Please believe me when I say my mission in life is not to bad mouth or hinder the work of God that has been done by the mission New Tribes Mission, but I believe it is right and my responsibility to share truth when it comes my way. As you all know this is a subject that is at the forfront of my heart. Protection of those who can't protect themselves. God's work is protecting, training and loving children, the least of these. How can we preach to a lost and dying world when we aren't willing to protect our own offspring? How can an organization whose vision is to reach the ends of the earth really have a God centered message when they have allowed and continue to allow and cover up abuse upon abuse? As we have seen certain truths have only come to light when children, now adults have blown a whistle while others have courageously come forward, and trust me when I say that they are heroes in my book, to tell their stories. It hasn't been those who are NTM personnel who have spoken openly about these issues. It's the wounded, scared, shamed, and down trodden who have come forward with their stories.
Time and time again I hear the same story that the missionary, (guys lets just call them what they are the pedophile) willingly and quickly resigns before there is any talk of termination. Termination that should have been swift and fiery. Then it seems out of sight, out of mind. No further actions were taken, weak if any investigation. No police contacted or if so feeble attempts made. No concern to alert anyone of the danger of a predator living in their neighborhood. It was a forgive and forget policy, certainly not Biblical. All throughout the Bible forgiveness is highlighted but with that comes consequences. Sin always has consequences, earthly consequences, and then judgment day consequences.
How many more people were wounded and broken because no action was taken? How many who have been wounded have never received the love and support they needed to heal? In the legalistic environment we were all raised in they received judgment, alienation, condemnation, and lastly abandonment. I'm not talking of something I heard of, I'm talking about something I saw all throughout my childhood. All of this because the abuse victims were acting out in the only way they knew how after being preyed upon. The fabric of their lives being forever torn.
But you know I guess it makes it alright when you are out preaching the gospel to the ends of the earth. That should even out the bad that has been allowed, right? NO!! God sees it all and it breaks His heart. It breaks His heart to see children wounded. Wasn't it Jesus Himself that rebuked the disciples for trying to keep the children from Him? The disciples hadn't even touched a hair on the children's heads. What will become of those who have abused and raped children? There will be judgment on their heads and judgment for anyone who knew and did nothing, who stood in the way of and allowed the innocence of children to be stolen.
This is why I fight, this is why my heart is broken over and over again, and this is why I will ALWAYS use my voice to speak up for those who have no voice, and for those who have received everything they did not deserve.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke,0,6094881.story
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